Name Registration
Before registering a new domain or subdomain, it will be important to check if it's available to be registered. We can query the ResolveRecord
entry point to check if any non-expired domain exists.
For more information about ResolveRecord
, and name resolution in general, see Name Resolution.
Calculating Registration Cost
Before registering the domain, it will also be important to calculate the registration cost. This amount will dictate the length of the domain lifetime.
Registration cost is based on the per year price (base_cost
) of the registration. Since base_cost
and base_expiration
are configurable values of the ArchID Registry, it would be better to get the current price and expiry parameters from the blockchain and not hard code them into your contract.
For convenience, we call the base_expiration
amount "years", because on mainnet base_expiration
is configured to be a duration of 1 year (denominated in seconds). Domains can be registered for 1, 2 or 3 years. Paying an amount equal to, or more than, 3x the base_cost
will result in a registration of 3 years. Paying less than 1x the base_cost
will result in a failing transaction.
The value of base_cost
is denominated in aarch
on mainnet and aconst
on testnet.
We can get the base_cost
and base_expiration
by querying the Config
entry point of the Registry contract. It doesn't take any arguments as parameters.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
// More entry points...
Config {},
Here's an example of how we might call the Config
entry point and determine the real-time cost of domain registration per year.
use cosmwasm_std::{
Deps, Env, to_binary, QueryRequest, Response, WasmQuery,
use crate::msg::SomeQueryMsg; // Your msg type
use crate::archid_registry;
pub fn some_query_fn(
msg: SomeQueryMsg,
deps: Deps,
env: Env,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
let registry_contract = "archway1275jwjpktae4y4y0cdq274a2m0jnpekhttnfuljm6n59wnpyd62qppqxq0";
// Create the query msg
let query_msg: archid_registry::QueryMsg = archid_registry::Config {};
// Do the query request
let query_req = QueryRequest::Wasm(WasmQuery::Smart {
contract_addr: registry_contract.into(),
msg: to_binary(&query_msg).unwrap(),
// Get the query result
let query_resp = deps.querier.query(&query_req)?;
// Per year cost of registration
let cost_per_year = query_resp.base_cost.unwrap();
// Do something with `cost_per_year` ...
Registering a Domain
To register a new domain, execute a transaction to the Register
entry point of the ArchID Registry contract. Register
takes 1 argument parameter (name
). At least 1x the base_cost
must be sent in the funds
of the transaction.
Here's an example of how we might execute the Register
entry point to mint a new domain name.
use cosmwasm_std::{
Coin, CosmosMsg, DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, to_binary,
Response, Uint128, WasmMsg,
use crate::msg::SomeExecuteMsg; // Your msg type
use archid_registry::{
ExecuteMsg as ArchIdExecuteMsg,
pub fn some_execute_fn(
msg: SomeExecuteMsg,
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
let registry_contract = "archway1275jwjpktae4y4y0cdq274a2m0jnpekhttnfuljm6n59wnpyd62qppqxq0";
// Do not add the `.arch` suffix when registering a domain
// and remember to get the actual cost per year by querying
// the `Config` entry point
let desired_domain_name = "archid";
let cost_per_year: u128 = 1000000000000000000;
let denom = "aarch"; // (Or "aconst" for testnet)
// Create registration msg
let register_msg: archid_registry::ExecuteMsg = ArchIdExecuteMsg::Register {
name: desired_domain_name.into(),
// Do registration
let register_resp: CosmosMsg = WasmMsg::Execute {
contract_addr: registry_contract.into(),
msg: to_binary(®ister_msg)?,
funds: &[Coin {
denom: denom.into(),
amount: Uint128::from(cost_per_year), // E.g. register for 1 year
// Respond with registration result
let messages = vec![register_resp];
After successfully registering a domain from your contract. Don't forget to transfer the NFT token to a user address. This will allow them to configure their domain.
Registering a Subdomain
Registering a subdomain is not recommended for integration in external CosmWasm contracts. The reason is only top level domain owners can mint subdomains. ArchID domains are intended to be held and operated by humans, not contracts. Smart contracts owning top level domains would have the responsibility of re-implementing the ArchID Registry's entire functionality, otherwise domains could become stuck in a non-updatable or non-extendable state. Do-able, but a bit of a heavy lift.