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Name Resolution

Name resolution allows us to check if a given domain exists and is not expired. Name resolution is handled by the ResolveRecord entry point in the Registry contract.

ResolveRecord is a QueryMsg type which accepts one parameter (name).

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
ResolveRecord { name: String },
// More entry points...
Format Rules

When querying ResolveRecord there several rules that must be followed. These rules also define the format of what is a valid domain name in the ArchID domain system.

  1. name must end with .arch
  2. name must not contain invalid domain characters; acceptable characters are: a-z (alphabetic), 0-9(numeric), . (periods), _ (underscores) and - (hyphens)
  3. name must not contain more than two . characters
  4. Domain (the part before .arch) is at least 3 characters
  5. The domain (the part before .arch) is not more than 64 characters

There will always be one . character, because of the .arch suffix. A second . character will only be present if you are resolving a subdomain record.

Resolving a Domain Record

When querying ResolveRecord, there are three cases that would cause an error response.

  1. name is invalid (see format rules)
  2. name is expired
  3. name does not yet exist

Here's an example of how we might call the ResolveRecord entry point.

use cosmwasm_std::{
Deps, Env, to_binary, QueryRequest, Response, WasmQuery,
use crate::msg::SomeQueryMsg; // Your msg type
use crate::archid_registry;

pub fn some_query_fn(
msg: SomeQueryMsg,
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
let registry_contract = "archway1275jwjpktae4y4y0cdq274a2m0jnpekhttnfuljm6n59wnpyd62qppqxq0";
let desired_domain_name = "archid.arch";

// Create the query msg
let query_msg: archid_registry::QueryMsg = archid_registry::ResolveRecord {
name: desired_domain_name.into(),
// Do the query request
let query_req = QueryRequest::Wasm(WasmQuery::Smart {
contract_addr: registry_contract.into(),
msg: to_binary(&query_msg).unwrap(),
// Get the query result
let query_resp = deps.querier.query(&query_req)?;

// Check the query result
if query_resp.is_ok() {
// The desired domain has already been taken
if query_resp.is_err() {
// The desired domain is available or the format was invalid


For a valid domain, here's what the response for ResolveRecord looks like.

"address": "archway1n7d4c52knwqqkw9j975ranknkp4fn3we0unrp6",
"expiration": 1751466919

The expiration returned by ResolveRecord is a Unix Timestamp denominated in seconds.

Note that querying ResolveRecord for an expired domain will return an error.

Resolving a Domain's Data

Resolve detailed domain data with the usual metadata query for cw721 tokens (NftInfo) using ArchID's cw721 address and the domain (token_id) to request data for.

Here's an example of how we might call the NftInfo entry point.

use cosmwasm_std::{
Deps, Env, to_binary, QueryRequest, Response, WasmQuery,
use crate::msg::SomeQueryMsg; // Your msg type

use archid_token::{Extension, Metadata, QueryMsg as Cw721QueryMsg};
use cw721_updatable::{NftInfoResponse};

pub fn some_query_fn(
msg: SomeQueryMsg,
deps: Deps,
env: Env,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
let cw721 = "archway1cf5rq0amcl5m2flqrtl4gw2mdl3zdec9vlp5hfa9hgxlwnmrlazsdycu4l";
let token_id = "archid.arch";

// Create the query msg
let query_msg: archid_token::QueryMsg<Extension> = Cw721QueryMsg::NftInfo {
token_id: token_id.into(),
// Do the query request
let req = QueryRequest::Wasm(WasmQuery::Smart {
contract_addr: cw721.into(),
msg: to_binary(&query_msg).unwrap(),
// Get the query result
let query_result: NftInfoResponse<Metadata> = deps.querier.query(&req)?;

// Do something with query_result


This is what the value of query_result in the above example could look like for a valid token_id.

"token_uri": null,
"extension": {
"name": "archid.arch",
"description": "A decentralized name service with support for domains, subdomains, and web2 identity verifcation",
"image": "ipfs://QmNoMUgTM82EGaTCTnuEUJDusV21UEGSgKM5RhM1C9N3WE",
"created": 1680023536,
"expiry": 1710023536,
"domain": "archid.arch",
"subdomains": [
"name": "dapp",
"resolver": "archway100vemsuja6h7k5ygve3xz3yzgapdj6zpe00ffg8d95hpwj9d8v5q8zc9zh",
"created": 1680023944,
"expiry": 1705788708
"accounts": [
"username": "archid-protocol",
"profile": "",
"account_type": "github",
"verfication_hash": null
"websites": [
"url": "",
"domain": "dapp.archid.arch",
"verfication_hash": null