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Extending Lifetimes

Top-level domains and subdomain lifetimes can be updated by domain owners.

In this doc we'll learn about extending lifetimes of top-level domains. If you're looking to extend a subdomain's lifetime, see Managing Subdomains.

Calculating a Renewal Cost

Extending a domain's lifetime is similar to Registration, in that you will need to calculate the renewal cost based on the base_cost and base_expiration values stored in the Registry.

base_cost and base_expiration can be fetched by querying the Config query entry point of the Registry.

async function config() {
let client = await getClient();
try {
let entrypoint = {
config: {}
let query = await client.queryClient.wasm.queryContractSmart(
return query;
} catch(e) {
return {error: e};

async function getConfig() {
let config = await config();
return config;

The Config entry point returns a response like this:

"admin": "archway1n7d4c52knwqqkw9j975ranknkp4fn3we0unrp6",
"wallet": "archway1n7d4c52knwqqkw9j975ranknkp4fn3we0unrp6",
"cw721": "archway1cf5rq0amcl5m2flqrtl4gw2mdl3zdec9vlp5hfa9hgxlwnmrlazsdycu4l",
"base_cost": "1000000000000000000",
"base_expiration": 31536000

Here's an example of how we might compute the cost to renew a domain record.

// Gets `base_cost` and `base_expiration`
async function config() {
let client = await getClient();
try {
let entrypoint = {
config: {}
let query = await client.queryClient.wasm.queryContractSmart(
return query;
} catch(e) {
return {error: e};

// Calculate registration cost for 1, 2 or 3 year domain lifetimes
async function registrationCost(years = 1) {
if (typeof years !== 'number') years = 1;
if (years < 1) years = 1;
if (years > 3) years = 3;
const config = await config();
// `base_cost` is a value in `aarch` (mainnet) or `aconst` (testnet)
// it's stored in the registry contract as a string
let base_cost = Number(config.base_cost);
// Calculate registration cost
let registration_cost = base_cost * years;
return parseInt(registration_cost);

Renewing a Domain

To renew a domain, execute a transaction to the RenewRegistration entry point of the ArchID Registry contract. RenewRegistration takes 1 argument parameter (name). At least 1x the base_cost must be sent in the funds of the transaction.

The multiple of base_cost sent in the funds of the transaction must be a valid renewal lifetime. The maximum domain lifetime is 3x the base_cost. The maximum renewal life time, for a RenewRegistration transaction, is the maximum number of unregistered years, which could be 0, 1, or 2.

Here's an example of how to execute the RenewRegistration entry point and extend a domain's lifetime.

* Renew registration of a domain
* @param {String} name : Registered domain name to be renewed
* @param {Number} years : Number of years to be renewed for; an integer between 1 and 3, impacts cost
* @returns {ExecuteResult}
async function renewRegistration(name = null, years = null) {
if (!name || !years) return;
// CW Client
let client = await getClient();
// Sender
let accounts = await getAccounts();
// Cost
let cost = registrationCost(years);
// Convert cost to aarch (mainnet) or aconst (testnet)
let funds = [coin(String(cost), "aarch")];

try {
let entrypoint = {
renew_registration: {
name: name
let tx = await client.execute(
"Renewing domain registration",
// Tx result
return tx;
} catch (e) {
return {
error: String(e)

async function doRenewal() {
// Do not add the `.arch` suffix
let domain = "archid";
let years = 1;
let renewal = await renewRegistration(domain, years);
return renewal;