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Name Registration

Before registering a new domain or subdomain, it will be important to check if it's available to be registered. We can query the ResolveRecord entry point to check if any non-expired domain exists.

For more information about ResolveRecord, and name resolution in general, see Name Resolution.

Calculating a Registration Cost

Before registering the domain, it will also be important to calculate the registration cost. This amount will dictate the length of the domain lifetime.

For convenience, we call the base_expiration amount "years", because on mainnet base_expiration is configured to be a duration of 1 year (denominated in seconds). Domains can be registered for 1, 2 or 3 years. Paying an amount equal to, or more than, 3x the base_cost will result in a registration of 3 years. Paying less than 1x the base_cost will result in a failing transaction.

base_cost is denominated in aarch on mainnet and aconst on testnet.

We can get the base_cost by querying the Config entry point of the Registry contract. It doesn't take any arguments as parameters.

Here's an example of how we might call the Config entry point and determine the real-time cost of domain registration per year.

async function config() {
let client = await getClient();
try {
let entrypoint = {
config: {}
let query = await client.queryClient.wasm.queryContractSmart(
return query;
} catch(e) {
return {error: e};

// Calculate registration cost for 1, 2 or 3 year domain lifetimes
async function registrationCost(years = 1) {
if (typeof years !== 'number') years = 1;
if (years < 1) years = 1;
if (years > 3) years = 3;
const config = await config();
// `base_cost` is a value in `aarch` (mainnet) or `aconst` (testnet)
// it's stored in the registry contract as a string
let base_cost = Number(config.base_cost);
// Calculate registration cost
let registration_cost = base_cost * years;
return parseInt(registration_cost);

Registering a Domain

To register a new domain, execute a transaction to the Register entry point of the ArchID Registry contract. Register takes 1 argument parameter (name). At least 1x the base_cost must be sent in the funds of the transaction.

Here's an example of how to execute the Register entry point to mint a new domain name.

async function registerDomain() {
// CW Client
let client = await getClient();
// Sender
let accounts = await getAccounts();
// Cost
let cost = registrationCost(2); // 2 year registration
// Convert cost to aarch (mainnet) or aconst (testnet)
let funds = [coin(String(cost), "aarch")];

// Register a domain
try {
let entrypoint = {
register: {
// Do not add the `.arch` suffix when registering a domain
name: 'archid'

// Broadcast tx
let tx = await client.execute(
"Registering domain", // Memo
// Tx result
return tx;
} catch (e) {
return { error: String(e) };

Registering a Subomain

Register a subdomain is slightly more complicated than registering a top-level domain. The entry point to be called is RegisterSubdomain (or register_subdomain as it's written in snake case for arch3.js).

RegisterSubdomain takes the following arguments.

  1. {String} domain: Top-level domain minting the subdomain (without the .arch suffix)
  2. {String} subdomain: Subdomain prefix to be minted
  3. {String | Addr} new_resolver: Archway address the subdomain record will resolve to
  4. {String | Addr} new_owner: Archway address who will own and manage the subdomain record
  5. {Boolean} mint: Normally should be set to true
  6. {Number} expiration: Unix Timestamp denominated in seconds; must be in the future and cannot be larger than the expiration of the top-level domain
mint Registration Parameter

It is possible to create subdomain records without minting an ownership NFT (e.g. mint set to false), though it is not recommended. Doing so will save you gas costs, but you won't be able to re-configure the record afterwards, only remove it.

Unlike top-level domains, minting subdomains does not cost a per year registration fee. Minus gas fees, they are free to create and manage but subdomain lifetimes cannot exceed the lifetime of their top-level domain.

Here's an example of how to execute the RegisterSubdomain entry point to mint a new subdomain.

async function registerSubdomain() {
// CW Client
let client = await getClient();
// Sender
let accounts = await getAccounts();

// Register subdomain domain
try {
let entrypoint = {
register_subdomain: {
// Do not add the `.arch` suffix of the top-level domain
domain: "archid",
// Subdomain prefix for 'dapp.archid.arch'
subdomain: "dapp",
// 'dapp.archid.arch' will resolve to the ArchID Registry
new_resolver: REGISTRY_CONTRACT,
// but will be managed by the ArchID deployer address
new_owner: "archway1n7d4c52knwqqkw9j975ranknkp4fn3we0unrp6",
mint: true,
// Use the same lifetime as the top-level domain
expiration: 1751466900
// Broadcast tx
let tx = await client.execute(
"Registering subdomain"
// Tx result
return tx;
} catch (e) {
return { error: String(e) };
Subdomain Ownership Rules

It's possible to mint a subdomain that resolves to any address, including an address not owned or adminstrated by the caller.

Top-level domain owners can mint subdomains directly to other parties (new_owner) without needing to transfer them the ownership NFT in a second transaction.

Subdomain creators must own the top-level domain minting the subdomain, or else their transaction will fail.